Michelle Biegner, LCSW-R
Michelle W. Biegner is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in practice for over 15 years. She is a graduate of Miami University and earned her MSW at the University of South Carolina.
Born and raised in Western New York, Ms. Biegner has significant experience working with adults, children and families dealing with depression, anxiety, grief and loss, stress and adjustment to change. Ms. Biegner also provides relationship counseling to couples dealing with communication problems for a private fee.
Ms. Biegner enjoys helping clients turn difficult circumstances into opportunities for growth and self-awareness, utilizing a variety of treatment modalities including solution focused and cognitive behavioral approaches.
The following insurances are accepted: BCBS, Independent Health, Univera, Value Options, Aetna and private pay for couples counseling. You may contact Michelle at (716) 868-7832 or email her at michellebiegner@gmail.com.
New Client Intake Form - please print and bring with you to your first appointment